
I believe in preparing my students for their job and career. Most of the time I am pushing my student for finding job and my teaching style is more “project Based Learning”.

Basically, a computer software graduate should be able to apply concept and programming techniques to the design, development and evaluation of the software.

My courses which I have taught are associative with programing languages such as C, C++, C#,, Web development, Java, Mobile Apps Programing etc. So, the nature of these courses is related to prepare students for careers.

As the results shows (, 2017), the way of my teaching methodology is an experimental way. My focus is never on the evaluations revolving around memorizing instructions and commands in programming language courses and rewriting something already known. Indeed, after teaching subject matter, I provide a case study and new issue so that they can apply what they’ve learned. By this way I developed the ability of student’s critical thinking in various scenarios which is the most important skill for monogramming and software developing.

In fact, first of all, I teach my students to be able to apply the commands learned in a new and real issue. They become familiar with the programming language at the practical level. By using proper case studies, students are exposed to real situation which may face in their future workplace.

Overall, I am very serious in teaching programming language because eventually a computer student should be able a make decision for challenging issues then analyze the problem and finally synthesize the answer for real situation such as library, shops, colleges etc.  These practices will enhance students’ self-esteem and confidence and increase their efficiency as well. Further, prepare students to communicate effectively for future team working.

On the other hand, these kind of practical issues create a positive and friendly space in classroom and promote creativity for both students and instructors.

For instance, a popular example is the development and design of software for a college. So, for more clarification below diagram is drawn and explained completely. This diagram is named “Use Case Diagram” which explains sub-levels of any organization by drawing a diagram.

Analysis of any new situation is my ultimate educational goal and I have divided it into many sub-levels.

At the analytic level, the learners are expected to break the subject into its constituent parts to identify or classify the analyzed elements. For instance, This College has a number of colleges; each college has a code, name, boss and one year of foundation.