Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan: (insert Course Name and/or Topic)

Lesson Plan Introduction:

Write an introduction to the lesson plan in paragraph format (maximum 2 paragraphs).
This includes a description of each of the following:

• Lesson objective (What the students will be able to do)
• Where this course is located within a specific program
• Where this lesson is located within this course
• What came just before this lesson and what will come after
• Possible accommodations required for learners in order to ensure an inclusive classroom
• Your back-up plan in case required technology/equipment and/or resources are not available

This course is Programing Language with C++ for first year students of computer science in week four. By the end of this lesson students will be able to:
• Use If statements in C++ programing language.
• Apply If – else statements in a C++ program.
• Use Nested if…else in a hybrid project.
Previous session, the Students learned about relational ,Boolean functions and operators in compound terms and Priority of operators. Next session, after this session they will learn “While Loop”.
In order to being sure that all student be able to learn the lesson effectively, the variety of strategies have been applied such as discussion, group working, case study, Problem base learning, use of video, verbal and written instruction, extra handout and slide posted in advance.
Regarding to some problems which may happen in the class, many back up plans have been considered including having all necessary materials on USB and email and Cellphone with internet package, copying the students’ handouts at least two days before, carrying personal laptop with all resources and accessories, Having the prints of all materials, resources and lesson plan, access to various or similar link of the desired video, access to online link to compile and run the C++ Program for executing program by students’ phones.



(If you are using the same topic from your Motivational Activity, modify it according to your feedback and/or try a different strategy.)